
Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Interview with Gwendoline Alderton - local interior designer

Hi everyone,

On the show today, we heard from Gwendoline Alderton who is a local interior designer.

Gwendoline decided to talk clutter in the house and the benefits of de-cluttering.

Hoarding your possesions can soon get out of control so the first thing to do is admit to yourself that you need to de-clutter.

Gwendoline recommended that you allow time to deal with it and start small. Break down the overall de-cluttering job into manageable chunks rathe than doing a whole house at once. Doing it this way can make the excerise a lot less daunting.

And be ruthless - when you're going through your belongings you need to remember 'do you really need to keep it?!'

De-cluttering can be very theraputic aswell as making the place you live look great again.

For more information on Gwendaline and her interior design services, visit www.ga-interiors.co.uk.


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