Hi everyone,
On the show this afternoon we had Cerys Matthews being interviewed! Cerys, who has been writing songs since the age of 9, has a new single out on the 28th September. It's called Arlington Way and both an English and Welsh version are going to be released. It's only available from
itunes. Cerys also has a new album out in October and will playing at the
Alban Arena on Friday 23rd October.
A little later we had Michelle Hart from the Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS) being interviewed. Michelle informed us that the 1st October is Older Persons Day and this is a good time to remember how important volunteering with the elderly is - for instance at local day centres and through the Good Neighbour Scheme. There are many ways of getting involved - it's great experience and good for the CV!
Michelle also remined us that the CVS also gives advice to local organisations, especially to do with funding. The CVS is holding a funding surgery on the 1st October between 9am and 1pm at its offices in Catherine Street, St Albans - the idea is to give advice and guidance to local organisations on the issue of funding.
For those looking to volunteer, Michelle mentioned some of the opportunities the CVS currently has:
- Active Lifestyles, a Caribbean lunch club, are looking for help in the kitchen.
- the Alzheimers Society is looking for good companion volunteers.
- and the Good Neighbour Scheme is looking for volunteers to provide transport to those who are less able to get around.
Michelle also mentioned that the CVS also has a Transport Officer, Keith, who works with drivers in providing tranport for those who are less able to get around.
For more information on these positions and many more, you can visit
www.cvsstalbans.org.uk or call in and see them at the offices in Catherine Street, St Albans.
Have a great week!